Saturday, February 7, 2009

Debunking Verizon's Public Relations Threat in Massachusetts

April 18, 2007

Letter to the Editor

Boston Globe

In response to, “Verizon suspends push for Mass. TV franchises”, it must be pointed out that Verizon never intended to build their FiOS network beyond the 67 towns in their current Capital Expense plan. A year and a half ago, based upon their financial analysis of the areas of the highest possible return on investment, they decided not to serve the remaining 84% of the municipalities in the state. Their Suburban Donut Strategy with Boston as the Hole does nothing to position the state for the 21st Century.

Now, we have the public relations strategy of a phony threat to help move their bill on Beacon Hill. It reduces the licensing process to a fifteen day postcard application mailed into the Department of Telecommunication and Cable. There are no buildout requirements, no local needs assessments and no public hearings. This is not about our Choice but their Choice! The current process of local franchising has in fact expedited their builds and served local PEG and I-Net needs and all neighborhoods.

The Legislature and the Governor should block this bill and launch a Broadband Policy and Planning process that provides for an advanced telecommunications infrastructure that serves all of the state for community, educational and economic development.

Chuck Sherwood


Community Media Visioning

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